Youth Christian Education
Who We Are
St. Mark’s youth group is a close-knit community of young believers walking alongside each other to figure out what it means to be a Christian. In a world that often sees Christians as judgmental, hypocritical, and close-minded, we seek to create disciples who love fearlessly, live authentically, and engage non-believers with respect and humility. We encourage our youth to develop an intimate and life-changing walk with Jesus Christ, seeking to reflect who Christ is in all that they do, say and think. We rejoice in our Lord and seek to breathe life into his kingdom here in Boerne through community, worship, learning and service.
What We Do
Sunday School
Weekly Sunday School classes from 9:15 to 10 a.m. in the
Family Life Center (FLC) Room 103 or for a more in-depth Bible study, older youth are invited to join the Disciple Class in FLC Room 109

St. Mark Youth are supporting the 2021 Crop Hunger Walk Boerne.
Weekly Youth Group Events
We balance our calendar with opportunities for worship, service, study and recreation. We believe that all God’s children grow in their faith as they laugh, play, serve, encourage, and pray with one another.
Youth Ministry Service Opportunities
We believe in God’s desire for us to serve his creation and his people. Each year, our youth typically:
- Plan for and lead St. Mark’s congregation in an annual Youth Worship Service
- Organize and carry out fundraisers benefiting St. Mark youth activities
- Assist with St. Mark programs, such as our esteemed Vacation Bible School experience
The annual Iron Chef Competition is always fun!
- Serve at local organizations, such as Kendall Country Animal Shelter, nursing homes, Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center, andHill Country Family Services
- Serve on a mission trip involving both service and relational ministry
- Annual retreats also deepen our faith through Christian community, creative fun and the glory of God’s creation
Mission Statement: We strive to humbly and lovingly lead the youth to become a community where all regularly encounter God, feel safe to explore their faith, and grow into confident, mature, spirit-filled disciples who boldly share the love of Christ with each other and all people they meet.
How We Communicate
We communicate via email, Instagram, and text. To receive our weekly emails, please send your email address to our Director of Christian Education, Angela Grover ( ). You’ll also find updates about the Youth Ministry on Instagram and in The Happenings, St. Mark’s weekly publication, on the bulletin boards in the church Narthex and in each youth room.
We are always open to new ideas and welcome all participants and volunteers. We can’t wait to welcome you
“O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8