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Join Us for Worship
Worship is at 10:30 am each Sunday, both in person and live streamed on YouTube. Worship styles alternate between traditional and contemporary. On the 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays, worship is more traditional with the Chancel Choir; on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, worship includes contemporary music with the praise band and singers. In months with 5 Sundays, there is always an all-church lunch after worship. It’s tradition!
Sunday school classes for all ages are held before worship, starting at 9:15 am. Children 4 and older attend Children’s or Youth Sunday School, Then children in kindergarten and older attend worship with their parents.
Connect through Next Step
Next Step is a way for guests to learn more about the church, how to get involved and how to become a member. The class is offered several times a year to explore why we do church and what it means to be Presbyterian & PC-USA. Current elders share about St. Mark’s ministries, opportunities for getting involved and what it means to be a member. You can connect with others and ask questions. Those wishing to become a member of the church can be received at the end of the session.

Youth at the fall 2021 all church retreat at Mo Ranch in Hunt Texas.

Fall 2021 Trunk or Treat in the church parking lot.

The St. Mark float in Boerne’s annual Christmas parade.